Sunday, July 8, 2007


Campers paint their feet as part of an exercise at CSI: Wilmington, a week-long camp for 6-11 year olds at the Children's Museum of Wilmington, on Wednesday, June 20, 2007 (After painting, the campers made and studied their own footprints). During the camp, campers learn about fingerprinting, photographing a crime scene, and interviewing witnesses.


Madden Merriman said...

Nice image. You are seeing well. I look forward to more killer images. I'm going to give you a head start then I'll brush off the cobwebs and have to compete.

Eric Gregory Powell said...

they should have a camp for the kids who want to commit crimes.

cyke345 said...

camp david?

Unknown said...

looks good so far. where's the hail mary of you leaning over the side of that crabbing boat??:-)

Michael Henninger said...

You don't do hail marys when you're 6'4'''s not necessary ha...